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These are some charts and graphs that I've drawn by hand. Though these are not based on any real data sets, the language of mathematics can be used to express my own personal feelings, learned truths and insights into the world around me.
This practice is largely inspired by the even better work of Jessica Hagy's Indexed project.
These are some charts and graphs that I've drawn by hand. Though these are not based on any real data sets, the language of mathematics can be used to express my own personal feelings, learned truths and insights into the world around me.
This practice is largely inspired by the even better work of Jessica Hagy's Indexed project.
All Possible Graphs
Diagram showing all possible types of graphs.
Age I Feel
We don't always feel or act our age, but it averages out.
Number of Axes
Musing on the dual meanings of the word “axes”
What Would David Do?
Sometimes making a mistake is the right thing to do.
Art and Science
Discovery lies off the beaten path.
Usefulness of Infomation
Some information is time sensitive.
Opportunities Taken
Also known as a decision tree.
Quality vs Audience Size
There is an inherent tradeoff between quality and the size of the audience you can reach.
There aren't enough hours in the day.
When you really like someone but they don't really like you back.
Cumulative World Knowledge
The more I know, the more I know I don't know.